Who are we?

Meet the people behind the mov*ed initiative

asterisk as gathering energies symbol

We have known each other for a long time.

We all met at various Axis Syllabus events in Europe. Since then, we have been engaged in developing mutual support. We continue to inform each other’s research and process oriented dance and movement practices.

Today, we are connected by Berlin as a place to live and work. We would like to cultivate and nurture the value of collaborative dance research and generative exchange among dance professionals. We want to build community. We are driven by a fascination in the ecology of dance practices, and are involved in creating new innovative formats and programs.

Together, we are creating a system of resonance with the wish to uplift and provoke our own teaching and research.

Kira Kirsch

Kira Kirsch is a dance artist, educator, and researcher who wears multiple hats, including being a mother and a dreamer. With a passion for building community and fostering collaborative research, Kira operates at the intersection of art, science, and transmission. She likes to investigate the generative potential of conflict and actively works towards shifting paradigms and effecting positive change.


  • Found her own dance language comprehensive and full of detail
  • Interested in network connection
  • Passionate
  • Real influencing and inspiring personality

Diana Thielen

Diana’s teaching, improvising and choreographing activates political questions in bodies and spaces. They really like it when diverse bodies of knowledge influence each other and a creative mess emerges.They’re immersed in several communities in Berlin because moving, accountable and queer-feminist spaces matter to Diana: whether it’s their child’s self-organized KiTa or a queer-feminist artist collective.


  • Passionate when speaking for justice
  • Dancer activist
  • Clear
  • Direct
  • Connecting communities
  • Contextualize the body

Marianne Linder

Marianne has a precise and clear way of teaching. With her gentle and caring manner, her teaching is characterized by a fine but no less powerful and challenging dance language. She sees particular value in practicing one´s own ability to sense. Through that she believes one develops trust, presence and agency in and with movement. She has studied dance and social work and works in both fields.


  • Loves marvelling
  • Surrendering to something
  • Sharing time

Antoine Ragot

Antoine has a passion for movement and contact improvisation. He is able to bring people in his worlds of wonder looking at the human body. Easy to reach and communicate with, Antoine enjoys particularly group situations with a sense of relaxed atmosphere, and a shared curiosity.


  • Driven by research, depth and focus
  • Dance artist
  • Rolfer
  • Pedagogue
  • Daydreamer

Filippo Serra

Filippo is a martial artist, university graduated sport scientist, former boy-scout, cross-training advocate and mildly excited opera performer. He loves to be a dancer when he finds good people to dance with. He lifts and swings weights mainly alone. He is kind of famous for his ability to infuse humor into any situation, even the most challenging ones. Driven by curiosity, he constantly seeks to unravel the intricate connections that exist between his various movement practices and different aspects of life.


  • Multidisciplinary
  • Innovative training
  • Nature
  • Humor
  • Curiosity
  • Martial arts
  • Tiramisu